Monday, June 18, 2007
Mr Science tho't this was funny . . . and pointed it out to me . . . .
Just cuz, last time we wuz playing I "tossed" my pitching wedge back towards the cart and it broke . . . just like Jack Nicklaus at his last British Open, at St Andrews, when it took him 3 tries to get out of the Hell Bunker, tossed his sand wedge to his caddy, "with alacrity" as the British TV announcer called it . . . I'd bladed a 2nd shot half-wedge over the green, then chunked the come-backer from a down hill lie, then bladed the chip with the wedge back over the green, still on the fringe, so I didn't need my PW anymore . . . good thing . . . since it snapped in two . . . .
When we left the course, I forgot my clubhead, left it in the back of the cart . . . the club says they hadn't seen it . . .